
For the wholeness of all life

Belong Events is a platform where mental wellbeing service providers and stakeholders meet.

Belong Constellations

For the organiser

Add your mental wellbeing services and events to our platform and reach more people.
It’s a great way to increase your visibility and find new customers.

To the participant

Are you ready to discover exciting events in your home town?
Find mental wellbeing events and services near you, saving you time and effort.

The Belong Events platform is different from other event portals:


  • a mission supporting the integrity of life
  • focus on mental well-being issues
  • well-defined areas
  • common time-space view

Search for events in your area

Use the time-space search.
In the calendar, you can select the month you want and scroll through the dates.
Use the map to see events in the area that fit on the map.
You can move over the markers on the map to see events in a specific place.
Events appear in a list on the right.

Add yourself to the map and make yourself visible

Don’t keep your activities to yourself – share your services and events on our platform and reach new people.
Adding your services and events to our platform is a quick and easy process.
Start now and see results!

Belong Events Areas

We have focused the first environment on the area of constellation.
We would like to create similar platforms for other areas of mental wellbeing and self-development.





We support people to have the courage to think and act big, by being visible with our services and events.

Constellation field

Constellations are a method of therapy or self-development often used in family therapy and psychotherapy.
The method was developed by the German therapist Bert Hellinger.

You can find more information about the constellation method on the Constellations page or on the Estonian Professional Constellation Association (EPKA) page.

The Belong Constellation field platform welcomes two audiences:

. constellators
who can publish their events and services.

2. interested parties and customers
who find a constellation of events at a time and place to suit them.

Estonian Professional Constellators Association (EPKA)

EPKA logo

We are at an early stage and

the entire platform is FREE to use

Information about the service provider, including descriptions of all services and locations, will always remain free of charge.
In the foreseeable future, only the event management part will be charged to service providers (estimated monthly fee €8).

The platform is always free of charge for visitors.


Join Belong Newsletter

Want to keep up to date with what we’re doing?

Subscribe to our newsletter and we’ll keep you up to date with important news!

PS We don’t like spam either.
We keep your data carefully and do not share it with third parties.

If you have any questions or suggestions for cooperation, please write to us.

Are you a leader or manager of a mental wellbeing association, society or community?

Write to us and let’s discuss possible cooperation!

Send us a message
Your name

Phone: +372 56 933 900

Belong OÜ, 17031513