How is a constellation session carried out?

Mar 10, 2025 | Article



Group Constellation Sessions are a deeply transformative and therapeutic process used to explore and heal relationships, family patterns and organisational dynamics. This methodology is based on a systemic arrangement where participants represent important people or elements in the client’s life. The process helps to reveal hidden dynamics and offer new solutions to restore balance.

If you’ve never heard of constellations before, this step-by-step guide will give you an overview of how to conduct a group constellation session and what to expect.

1. Preparing for the session

💚 Setting up the room and preparing participants

  • The constellation facilitator or constellator creates a safe and supportive space where all participants can feel free and open-minded.
  • The Constellation reminds everyone that what you see and hear is confidential.
  • Usually, the group gathers in a quiet and peaceful environment with plenty of space to move around.
  • At the beginning of the session, the constellator will explain the process and answer participants’ questions.

💚 Defining the purpose of the constellation

  • The client (aka “the person ordering the work”) sits next to the constellator.
  • The constellator talks to the client to understand the problem, the context of the problem and the request. The problem may be related to family, relationships, work or other areas of life.
  • During the conversation, the important persons or elements to be represented in the constellation are identified.

2. Division of roles and choice of representatives

💚 Election of representatives

  • The client selects participants from the group who represent family members, colleagues or other important members of the system.
  • A representative is always chosen to represent the client.

💚 Placement of representatives in the room

  • Klient asetab valitud osalejad ruumis erinevatesse kohtadesse, järgides oma sisetunnet.
  • See loob dünaamilise “elava pildi” inimese sisemaailmast või süsteemist, mille osaks ta on.

3. Süsteemi vaatlemine ja dünaamika avastamine

💚 Reactions from representatives

  • When representatives are in their seats, they begin to feel the emotions and physical sensations associated with their role.
  • Sageli ilmnevad ootamatud mustrid, pinged ja varjatud dünaamika, mida klient polnud teadvustanud.

💚 Konstellööri juhendamine

  • Konstellöör suunab asetäitjaid, küsides neilt, mida nad tunnevad või kuidas nad tajuvad teisi osalejaid.
  • Vajadusel tehakse väikeseid muudatusi paigutuses, et leida harmoonilisem tasakaal.

4. Lahenduste leidmine ja süsteemi tasakaalustamine

💚 Tervendavad sõnumid ja liikumised

  • The constellator may ask the client’s representative or the client himself to say certain sentences necessary to acknowledge affiliation, restore order to the system, or establish equilibrium.
  • Konstellööri juhendamisel võidakse teha sümboolseid liigutusi, näiteks kummardamine austuse märgiks või füüsiline ümberpaigutamine.

💚 Tasakaalu taastamine

  • Protsessi käigus tekib uus dünaamika, mis aitab kliendil ja asetäitjatel kogeda tervendavat mõju.
  • Often the participants and the client feel a deep sense of relief, lightness, connection, love. It can move you to tears.

5. Konstellatsiooni lõpetamine ja integreerimine

💚 Seansi lõpetamine

  • Once the system has reached a new equilibrium, the constellator allows the client to experience this new sensation for a few moments and then ends the session.
  • Osalejatel on võimalus jagada oma kogemusi ja tundeid.

💚 Impact of the process

  • Konstellatsiooni mõju võib ilmneda koheselt või järk-järgult nädalate jooksul.
  • Klient võib kogeda sügavat selgust, rahu või muutusi oma elus ja suhetes.
  • It is advisable to give yourself time to digest the experience and to avoid taking any immediate decisions or actions. After the constellation (on the same day), it is not advisable to do activities that require a lot of concentration or effort, so that the work done can be integrated.
  • Sometimes the client is contacted by people who were key to his or her work, even if they have not been in contact with the client for many years.


The constellation is always exploring ways to move the system towards greater love and wholeness. Grupikonstellatsiooni seanss on sügav ja võimas meetod, mis aitab lahendada süsteemseid probleeme ja luua tasakaalu inimese elus. See protsess toob nähtavale alateadlikud mustrid ja annab võimaluse neid ümber kujundada. Kui soovid kogeda konstellatsiooni mõju enda elus, siis leia usaldusväärne konstellöör ja astu esimene samm tervenemise teekonnal.


💚 Soovid kogeda konstellatsiooni seanssi? Leia järgmine töötuba Belongi platvormilt.
💚 Loe rohkem konstellatsioonide kohta: Mis on konstellatsioonid?

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